Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Gulf Shores 2010

The beach was absolutely WONDERFUL!! 
Get ready for LOTS of pictures and a few post about the beach!!
I of course took tons of pictures.........I know most of you are not shocked by that at all.
We left out on Thursday morning and I had to wake Sophie Clare up. She was so sweet and smiling. When we put her in the car, we asked her if she was excited about the beach??
She clapped and said YAY!!
As I have mentioned before Sophie Clare is not a very good rider so I took all kinds of DVD'S, TOYS, BOOKS, PLAY DOH, BUBBLES....ect.  We stopped in Target and let her run around and even bought her a new book and a couple of new dvd's.  It was trying at times, she wanted my hand in her lap a lot or my head in her lap. I guess it made her feel like I was holding her.
 All in all it was not that bad.
I was not sure what she would do when we go to the condo but she made herself right at home. She went straight to the balcony and looked a little overwhelmed but pleased.
We hurried to get out swimsuits on, I could not wait for her to see the ocean. We have a sandbox here at home but never does she want to put her feet in it. She was not sure about the sand in her flip flops at all . I picked her up and carried her......That made her feel better about the situation,
I am so blessed GOD chose me to be her mother!!
She is such a precious gift and I treasure every moment with her!!
I knelt down and was telling her about the ocean.
 She was not sure about that BIG water.
We headed back to the pool where she wanted to be.
She played so hard , snack, laughed......Sophie Clare was just so happy!!
Later we went inside to get ready to go to
"Home of the throwed rolls"
Sophie Clare ate so good and really enjoyed watching them throw the rolls.
She was so good she even got a balloon!

They have this play wooden choo choo train outside and she had so much fun on it.
She was so proud to sit on the "little" seats.
I kiss her a zillion times a day!!
After Lambert's we of course hit the outlets for just a bit and then we headed to
They have a band, a great play area for the kids and we just hung out!! hehe
They have a really long tunnel that goes under the hill above and she saw all the kids going in and out. Finally this sweet little girl offered to go with her..............
After that she was a big girl!!
Jamie is so funny when he takes a picture. He waits and waits for that perfect shot..........I was telling him just take the picture.

Sophie Clare loved these little chairs and tried everyone of them out.
 It was so cute!

After The Hangout, we all headed back and totally crashed!!

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