Friday, August 13, 2010

I'll See You Soon

Well around here school has started and everyone is ready for football season. In th blog world and facebook world, I have noticed everyone has been to the beach. We were not sure about the oil all Summer and just seem to keep putting it off.  We are going really soon and I am excited to see the beach through my child's eyes. I can't wait to see what Sophie Clare thinks of the ocean and the sand.  Now the going out to eat part.......I am not looking forward to or the drive.  She does not ride well at all so I am praying that she does not scream the whole way down there!!
I did not realize that we had not been to the beach since 07.
I was preggo in 08 and Sophie Clare was so small in 09.
I am hoping we have chosen the perfect time to go!
I can't wait to spend  the day on the beach!
With my toes in the sand
and looking for seashells.
Have a great day!!

1 comment:

Miranda said...

When are you all going? When I was pregnant we went in October to Gulf Shores, and I said I would NEVER be back in the summer! It is SO nice there in the Fall. Cooler but not too cool (we still got in the ocean). And, when you went out to eat, the restaurants were not near as crowded! Hopefully, you all will have a blast! :)

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