Friday, August 27, 2010


Out night 3 at the beach was fun and packed. We squeezed as much as we could in.
We started out with some wings of course and they were yummy.  Sophie Clare is usually not the very best company when we go out to eat. We usually do take out but she was a different baby. She ate wonderful, I got to eat and was just the best baby ever!!  She colored, played with play doh and even used the water paint book I brought. She also is a lot like her mother........a social butterfly and is not shy. She would say hey to everyone and made some really nice friends. hehe

She really loved her fries and ranch. She cracks me up wanting to dip everything she eats. She comes by that honestly. I am a dipper!!

We headed to a souviner shop to get my mom a starfish and had to take advantage of the photo op.
I look so goofy. I am so laughing out loud.
Look at that sweet face! I love it......Jamie, I am talking about Sophie Clare. hahaha!!
This is the photo hot spot. You have to get your picture her not matter what!!

Trying on some sunglasses........she is so funny!!

Back At The Hangout..........
We so much fun here. I so wish there was a place like this in out town. 
She enjoyed the the bubbles so much.

What a great photo op and of course  I wanted to take advantage of it.
I wanted to get me and Sophie Clare a t-shirt from The Hangout. On our way back to the gift shop, there is this huge wall that you can write your wish on a bright piece of paper, roll it up and stick it in the wall.
When Sophie Clare saw this, she headed right over. She was up on the ledge quick.
The girls were so sweet to let her use there pen for just a minuite so that she could write.
Well that is about it for the beach except for the BIG photo shoot!!
I can not wait to share those!!

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