Monday, August 9, 2010

Under The Weather

Just a quick post to let you know what has been going on!
I have been very much under the weather. For about 3 days I did not even walk over to the computer if that tells you anything.  Oh, How I  Have Missed Seeing What Everyone Has Been Up To.   I will say that I do have most of my energy back but I still h ave a very weak stomach!!  YUCK!!!  Anyways............Sophie Clare is still getting over her ear infection and (knock on wood) taking her meds so GOOD!! 
The Longest Yardsale was this weekend and I tried so hard to go. Jamie drove me and I just was not up to it. That is a dedicated thrifter if I do say so myself!!  hahahaha!!  This was the 1st year in forever that I have not been. I am sure I did not miss much.......maybe!!
I am trying to get back in the swing of things so just bare with me!!
I love my blog readers!!

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