Monday, September 20, 2010

Feeling Of Home

It's Monday and it's HOTT!!
 Can I just say I want FALL!
I want COOL air BLOWING and the leaves FALLING!!

We had a great weekend!!
Can I get a ROLL TIDE!!
Our Tide is doing great!!

We spur of the moment ended up going over to Dustin and Cassy house to watch the game!! 
Have you ever just had that "I am at home feeling" when your hanging out with someone...........Well that is the way it is with them. We all just click and it is great.  I am usually having to chase Sophie Clare or maybe having to watch her close (just because)......not this time. She loves Jaylin and Easton and gets along with them great. They were all so good and played well together. Here are a few........nah, lots of pics from our afternoon.
Sophie Clare was loving her some Easton.
She is ready to give him some sugars!!
Is that not adorable?? 
I need to turn it black and white!!
I just smile everytime I see it!!
She loved Cassy's phone. She would pretend to text for a moment and then talk.......It is important that I always watch what I am doing.   hehe
Future Bama Boy!!

We all jumped on the trapoline but let me just say I  love jumping but it is hard if you ladies know what I  mean.'s not that funny but I have to laugh or I might just cry!

Sophie Clare and her new bestest!!
Look at those eyes!! Blue and blue can be!!
Jaylin and Easton!
Jaylin and Mr. Jamie
Sophie Clare is all about anything you can ride!!
She was having a blast!!

Daddy, Can I please have one of these??
Sophie Clare saying EEEESSSSEEEE!!

We got there around 2ish and did not leave til 8ish. Sophie Clare even felt at home. She went to the refridgerater and was wanting her bottle. Cassy got her a camo one and she loved it!! lol
Thanks so much for having us, we had a blast!! Can't wait till next weekend!!

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