Sunday, September 5, 2010

New Friends

Friday night we headed to Gadsden with some friends from church. Cassy, Dustin and there 2 children have been coming for  a while now but we just have not ever really hung out.
 I will never know!!
Dustin  loves Jeffersons and Struts as much as we do. Since it was First Friday in Gadsden, we thought we would try Jeffersons.
My yummy wings!!
Dustin and Cassy
There was never a dull moment. We laughed so hard and talked non-stop. I absoutely LOVED every miniute  and SO can not wait to do it again!!
We all just seem to click and feel really comfy around each other.
We laughed so much!!
Cassy is so fun!!
When we finished eating, we walked the streets.
My "high school" gal pals were promoting there MARY KAY!!
Me and Jen
Pamela, me and Jennifer
As I have told you before, there are all kinds of things going on downtown. From food, music, dancing, cars and much more.
We saw this little boy riding in this this is no ordinary "little red wagon"
This is what you might call a "sweet ride". 
  It had a boom box that was booming and chromed out.
Thank you for a great time!!
We had a blast!!

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