Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fire Safety

We have taken a long break from going to story time!  It just seem like more work than fun. So I decided that we would start back until I see a bunch of kids with runny noses!! haha!  Anyways, we picked a great day to come back. The Boaz Fire Department came to talk about fire safety and brought Sparky the dog to help. Sophie Clare did not really like Sparky, she cried when he walked up to her!  Jason did a great job explaining what to do in case of a fire or if you catch on fire. He made me realize the importance of a smoke detector.
Sparky and Jason
Luke was all about wearing his little fire hat.
He is such a cutie and seemed glad that Sophie Clare was back.

Sophie Clare loved her fire hat but did not want the string under her chin.
After they finished talking to us and passing out all the hats.
 We went outside to see the fire truck.

Sophie Clare was all about it!
 She walked right up and thought the door being open was an invite to get in.

Sophie Clare thinks that she does not need a hair bow in when she wears a hat!

April getting them ready for the group pic.

That is a terrible picture. 
 I think I should edit that!!

Sophie Clare loved sticking her hand in the horn holes.

We had a great time and we are excited about next week.
It is the Halloween Party and they get to dress up!

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