Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Madness

It's Monday and everyone always dreads it...........not me.
I guess it is because I get to stay at home and everyday is a work day for me........except for Sunday!! 
 Do you have a hard time grocery shopping with your children??
I do!!
I end up forgetting tons and buying more than whats on my list.
What am I talking about??
I usuall forget my list!! haha
  Jamie is now doing the MAIN grocery shopping and that is totally awesome!!  He is a thrifty one which is a good thing!!

When he came home, Sophie Clare always helps put the cokes and my TAB away.
It looks to me like I have a TAB problem!! haha
This morning we hit the ground running. The house needed a cleaning and we needed diapers. I was on my last 2.
That is cutting it close!! 
 I had clothes folded and was at Walmart by 9:15 and were back home by 10:00.

What else did I accomplish today??

I swept, mopped, put up dishes, washed clothes, folded clothes, cleaned Sophie Clare's room, vacum the bedrooms, clean the glass in the french doors and MADE A NEW DISH FOR DINNER!!

Do you see why my title is called MONDAY MADNESS??

What did Sophie Clare do while I cleaned??
She laid in the dryer!!
She talked on the phone and
played with her T T in the  dryer!
She pretended that is was NEW YEARS and CINCO DE MAYO!

Played with the umbrella!

She napped from 12:30 till 4:15.
She loves here purse and carries it everywhere she goes. I had to sneak it while she napped to wash it. It was so dirty!
Here are the things that are in her purse all the time.
3 heys (cell phones)
flashlight, lip gloss, money, a small book, change purse, yogo bites with dispenser, clippers, small clip board, a picture of pop, a picture of Natalie when she was little and a caculater that she thinks is a phone.

Finally we have a clean purse and she did not even miss it!
As I mentioned earlier, I made a yummy new dish and will be posting that tomorrow or Wednesday!!

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