Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Lot More Talking

This little girl is starting to say more and more everyday. Each day she is repeating something I said or saying her words a lot plainer. 
 So I am going to just blog about some of the things she is saying.
I don't want to forget anything.

Let's start with the basics........mama, dada, paw (pop) Neine ( Janine) Bubba (Braden) Emmy, Annie (Aunt Angie) Ris (Chris) Dog, T T (cat) bite bite, wa wa (water) snack, Can nay (candy) Baby, Jesus, Bible, hey (Hey and for a cell phone) book, bag, chur (church) Mawmaw, Du Du ( Dustin) Ca Ca (Cassy) Ya In (Jaylin) E E (Easton)  B B (Bisty Bisty Spider) green bean, Cheese, bath, bubbles, milk milk, pibis (toes) home, bye bye, play, pay (because she likes to use my debt card)  book, wor (work) Schoo (school) Nat Nat (Natalie) Zoie, pooh, swing, ride, Wal Mart, batreees(bateries)
Is she making sentences??
She says things like........dada work, Emmy school,
 paw choo choo ( that means she wants to go to Gran and pops)
She ask if people are home or work. Other than that it is still one word things. She is not really into counting at all. I say 1, she says 2, I say 3 and she says no no.  haha
I sing the A B C's and she is good about half way and then she says no no. haha 
She always ask for the color blue.
She also still does some sigh language. I also have been doing the ABC's in sign and she tries to do it that way.

I am sure that I am leaving something out and I will be doing this again at the end of the month because I know it will continue to grow!!

1 comment:

Sarah Robbins said...

Ahh, she is just precious! She will be talking your ear off before you know it! Having a daughter is the best, isn't it?1

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