Thursday, February 3, 2011


It's snowing.........AGAIN!! 

Yes, you read it right.
If you are aware of where I live, you know this is so crazy.
How many snows this year??
  3.........we have not had this much snow.........well, I don't remember when! 
 It started suddenly between 2:30 and 3. I could not believe the flakes. They were bigger than last time.
  By the time 3:30 rolled around , the yard was covered.
My dad and I ran just up the raod to get some plants. Yes in the snow!! The roads were slushy and wrecks were happening.  When we got back this is the field beside my house.

When it snows, I get comfy and want to make a mess. Maybe I should say, let Sophie Clare do something different. Usually we paint with water colors, not tonight. We painted with the real stuff and had a blast!!

Well so far the schools are delayed and I am excited to see waht morning beholds for our roads.
Looks like it will be a day in the house tomorrow!!

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