Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Picnic, Park and Kangaroos

Today was a fun, hot and busy day!!
We met my friend Jennifer at the park for a picnic and the kiddos had a blast as usual.  Then it was off to the "Deer Farm".  We all were so excited about seeing the deer but even more excited to see the kangaroos.   We got to get up close and personal with them. I loved it just as much at the children!!
Enjoy the pics!!
When we first got there, we looked at the deer a while.  Maddie and Cole showed there excitement but sweet Sophie Clare just held hers in. haha
Sophie Clare warmed up a bit and tried feeding the deer some grass.

Here are 2 of the kangaroos.
They were so cute and soft!!
They were hoping all over the place.

Then here is when we all got excited.............
It stays in a bag most of the time and they hang it on a door knob.
It's name is Zoe and is 4 months old.
Sophie Clare getting down to check it out.

Petting  the sweet baby!! Oh it was just the cutest thing you have ever laid your eyes on. 

Yes, Sophie Clare decided she needed her crown on to see the deer and kanagroos!

Sophie Clare was out on holding it and that's ok. She was good just petting it!!
Then it was off to see more deer. I can not tell you how many deer they have but it is a lot. Lots of babies, mama's and daddy's!!

We had a fabulous time!!
 Can't wait to see what we do next!!

1 comment:

Tracy Bentley said...

Looks like you and SC had a and fun day....

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