Sunday, July 3, 2011

Where's Spot

Good Evening!!
I am staying up late to try and catch up on some blogging!!
I love being a mommy but here lately Sophie Clare is not letting me get much of anything done. I have had a Summer cold and she has had a little runny nose so maybe thats why.


Thursday morning, I was not sure if we would make to story time. I was feeling better and we ended up making it!  I was glad we did. Sophie Clare really seem to enjoy herself!!
They sang songs and Sophie Clare was participating again!! YAY!! 
 They read the story " Where's Spot"  which was really cute. It had flip tabs and gave the children a chance to really get involved.  When they finished up the story, they made the cutest little craft.  They had a basket with a flip tab and glued spot inside. 
Sophie Clare and Luke enjoy each other so much that on a whim, I invited them to come swimming with us on Friday.  They were kind enough to accept the invite!! :0)

It's Friday and the very first thing Sophie Clare said when she opened her eyes.....SWIM LUKE.   So needless to say, she was pretty excited about Luke coming to swim with her!
Enjoy a few pics of the swim date.

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