Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day and A Little Bit More

Hey Hey! We are loving the sun! Janine has her pool open and all we are doing is swimming!  If you knocked on my door, I would have to apologize for letting things go! haha We had a wonder yet busy weekend so the pool time has been nice. Why we ever started this little tradition, I  will never know but on Memorial Day or the 4th of July we always dress the part and have our pic made in front of a window at church. I need to go back and look at all of them! I need to wake up and put on some lipstick! whew! I am my worst critic. Anyways, we had BIG plans to go to Decatur for Alabama Jubilee..........I was tired from the day before and staying at home sounded kinda nice since we had called church off. So that is what we did, stayed home and cooked out.
Monday we did not have big plans at all but to hang by the pool, get some sun, and cook. Sophie Clare was soooo excited to be getting in the pool for the first time.

We were there by ourselves for a while but then Johnna and Braden came down. Sophie Clare and Braden had the best time. These 2 do not act like cousins, they act more like brother and sister. ;-)

Riding the worm in the deep in! They are super brave! ;-)
 Love how they match!

Me and my sweet baby girl!

It was my aunt's birthday so her kiddos came to celebrate with her. We stayed just a little bit longer so that we could see Carver take a swim plus Sophie Clare would have stayed in allllllll night!
Look at sweet Carver loving the water!

Love that face!

When we got home, we had Jamie put the meat on the grill. Sophie Clare was drained and I was doing anything and everything to keep her awake and happy. We decided to eat a little watermelon pre dinner!
Believe it or not she is pretty excited about eating it.
LOVE those lips!!


We had Pork Chops, Chicken, Roasted Potatoes and corn. It was super good and Sophie Clare really enjoyed the corn on the cob this year!

The next day we went to Maddie's little graduation party and then headed to the pool.  Sophie Clare was so ready and even picked out her bathing suit.

Sophie Clare and Braden had so much fun together! When I told her "bubba" was at the pool. She stood at the steps and yelled "bubba, I be there in minute, I finish eating ok...ok" She was so excited and only ate 2 or 3 bites. Oh well, she will snack the pool of course!

Loving her drink that she picked out at Wal-Mart. This girl cracks me up, she will be dressed soooo girly and pick out something that Bubba likes.

I am so glad she is loving the water, I just hope she does  not get tired of it before Summer is over. 
 We did our errands today, picked up the house so guess what that means for tomorrow.

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