Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Beautiful Silver Fox

Saturday night was Emily's 2nd year dance recital. We would not miss this for the world. We were so excited to see her all dressed up.  We went to my mom's and gathered her a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Sophie Clare to give her.  Sophie Clare was feeling under the weather and was not sure if she was even going to get to go.  You could tell she did not feel good but held her own.
When we went back to see Emily, she was excited about her flowers and knew exactly where they come from. She said you got those at Grandmothers with a big smile. ;-)
Isn't she gorgeous??
The Downtown Dance Conservatory does not do anything small. They do a fabulous production and put lots of thought and hard work into it. This years theme was close to home.  Most of you that have read my blog now about Noccalula Falls. Well this was all about
It was based on the legend of Noccalula Falls.
We only got to enjoy the first act because Sophie Clare was tired and under the weather but we saw Emily and that was all that was important.

Here sweet eyes are weak in this pic but I wanted to share because it was full length of her beauty!

You did an amazing job Emily!
We are so proud of you!
Next year, sweet Gracie and Sophie Clare will be part of the show and I can not wait!

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