Thursday, January 3, 2013

Clean Teeth, New PJ'S and the Leap Pad

Sophie Clare had a dentist appointment yesterday. She was pretty excited about going or she may have been more excited about going to Target. haha This girl LOVES Target. Anytime you ask her what she wants to do, she says "go to Target" my kind of girl!  She had a great visit! Her teeth were sparkle clean and she was a such a big girl. Now she did not want to lay back in the seat but they were ok with her sitting on the edge. They looked, flossed and brushed. She opened her sweet mouth as wide as she could. I was very proud of her. 

After the dentist we hit Target wide open. We had tons of fun, looking at all the "cheap" stuff, clothes, toys ect. She was the best. After that we had lunch at Arby's. She did not eat much, I think all the excitement was getting to her. We went to lots of other places and she was the best. We had such a fun girls day. 

Here she is at home showing off those clean, sparkle teeth. 

For being sooo well behaved at the dentist, she picked out Jake and the Neverland Pirates, plate, cup and stickers at Target. But that only cost $3.00 so when daddy got home he downloaded her a new game on her           
Leap Pad. 2 were free and 1 was only $5.00. I will share the codes soon. 
As I was finishing up a couple of things, I had sat her on the counter. I turned and found her like this. She was loving her new color app. 

Sophie Clare took at growth spert back in November. She grew a half inch in a month. We had some pj's but could use a couple more. We found some at Target for a little of nothing. (love that store) She was super excited about wearing them. I gave her a bath and she looked so cute. I could not pass up a few pics. She was all about being silly and cute! 

Ok, she was done with the pics and needed to play on the Leap Pad!

Why are you still taking pics?? 

Really mommy, can you stop with the pics?? 

Look at that face...........Oh how she is such a joy in our life!

You know, after they get big you tend to stop taking pics of there sweet feet. I had a hard time keeping them still but glad I held them down. They sure are getting big but still sweet as ever! 

Oh how I love that face!

I can not believe that tomorrow is the week already over??  Sophie Clare is going back to school next week and I am not looking forward to it. I am going to miss her sooooo much. 

1 comment:

Tracy Bentley said...

cutes pics.... her little feet looks like a heart... would be a cute valentine card photo....

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