Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's day. 
We did not have a lot planned for yesterday considering Sophie Clare had school. She had made her request earlier in the week that she wanted to have Valentine food. So that is exactly what we did. We had heart shaped waffles. 
For a while now, Sophie Clare has been asking for the game Jake and The Neverland Pirates. 

And that is what she got. ;-) 

We made Valentine's for her class and I think they turned out really cute. 

After school, we met Jamie at the Cupboard for lunch and it was sooo yummy. Then it was off down an alley to try and get a Valentine picture. 
They speak for themselves. haha 

Sophie Clare made daddy a Valentine card. 

We  had such a special day with this little Valentine. 

Then Jamie surprised me with this infinity bracelet. 
 I saw it on Pinterest and showed it to him. 
Never in my wildest dreams think that he would have ordered it. I love it and was so excited to get it. ;-) 

The girls are coming this afternoon and Sophie Clare can not wait. She has already been asking where they are and who is picking them up. We just may have to get out of the house to kill some time.

 Be sure to check back on Monday to see what I wore over the weekend. 

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