Thursday, July 11, 2013

Big Girl and No Cavities!

Tuesday Sophie Clare had her 6 months cleaning.
 We had to get up and get busy.  We drive about 45min to her dentist. We left in plenty of time but the traffic on the back roads in Trussville was crazy!! We made it in time, thank goodness!  The last time we were at the dentist, they cleaned Sophie Clare's teeth sitting up. It was a little scary to lay down. One time, she even laid her head in my lap. They had told me that she was going to need to lay down like a big girl this time. We talked all about it and she knew what she had to do. At first she was not so sure but she did it and was so brave!! 

The only complaint I have about the girl that cleaned her teeth was that she called her Sophia the entire time and spelled her name wrong. No I did not correct her but next time I will. I called Sophie Clare by her name a couple of times so that maybe she was get it. haha 

When I worked at OSA, I always doubled check the name before calling a patient back and looked at the chart to make sure of the spelling. Mainly because it was prescriptions.

She opened big like a alligator! I was very proud of her! 

Then it was time to get x-rays of her little teeth. I was not sure how she would do at this but she was awesome! 

Showing off her pretty teeth! 

We went to Target right after to get her a prize!  She wanted some new cars, so we bought some hot wheels. ;-) We also bought her a cute pair of brown cowboy boots. She LOVES them! 
Then is was off to lunch and she picked Arby's. Then we shopped around just a bit more till we were ready for Dip n Dots! 

Love her so much!! 

It was a great day with NO CAVITIES and being SUCH A BIG GIRL!!

1 comment:

Bamawhitney said...

Love her cute dress and feel your pain with names being spelled wrong! Sofia usually get Sophia. Grrr. Now I want Dippin Dots.

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