Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Swimming, Watermelon and Cousin Time

It is such a messy day here in Alabama!
 The rain it pouring and it is thundering.  It sure is making it hard to get up and get anything done. Good thing I mopped, put us dishes and folded clothes yesterday! 

Seems like we have not got out and done a whole lot this Summer.  We have done just what Sophie Clare enjoys and that is swimming! That is ok with me, I love it just as much as she does.  

She is loving her new boat that we bought the other day. 
She was hiding in it and wanting me to find her. 
Her imagination is wonderful and so much fun!! 

We bought a seedless watermelon at the grocery store the other day and Sophie Clare could not wait to help me cut it. She was an awesome helper. 

Playing dress up while I was cleaning like a mad woman! 

These girls were at the beach all last week and we sure did miss them! They were ready for some fun girl time! They dressed up, had a very loud marching band and much more!
 Bottom line they had a blast! 

Well it is time to see what we can get into on the rainy day! 


Bamawhitney said...

I would love to be in the Alabama rain!

Karmen said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

I have to tell you, when the comment popped up from you I thought the name sounded familiar. When I opened your blog up and saw your picture it hit me...I used to read your blog a while back. Like before I ever started my blog. Your daughter was still very small. She's beautiful!

I'm going to follow with bloglovin.

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