Saturday, September 14, 2013

School Is Great

Sophie Clare is just doing fabulous at school! I can not express how proud I am of her!  She has had another great week!   Monday morning she still seem a little tired. It was hard for her to catch up on her rest from the  beach. Thankfully we have had a slow and normal week. She seems much more rested now! 

On Monday, it did not take her long to perk up. We were able to go pick Luke up and carry him to school. They were so cute and talked all the way to school. 

Sophie Clare loves school and has lots to say when she gets in the car.  Even though she loves school, the kids and her teachers.......................She will not talk!! 
I just can not figure it out.  She talks from the time she gets up till she goes to bed.  She is quiet for 4 hrs. How does she do it?? 
I did ask her and she told me she was smart. 
 Silly girl! 

She also does not play yet. I keep telling her how much fun she will have. 
She is a people watcher, maybe she will not be able to watch if she plays. haha  

Tuesday was a great day! She was excited about going. She has had her eye on a little boy in another class since last year. His name is ELI and they are out on the play ground together. She sits and watches him play. She can always tell me he wore, how hot he got and what he did. 
It is so funny! 

This is pic was taken while I was asking her if she was excited about seeing ELI. 

And Friday.......They have been talking about the letter N, circle and the color yellow this week. 
We did not have anything yellow, so we made do with a cute pair of pants that had yellow in them. 


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