Monday, October 14, 2013

A Fun Filled Weekend

Let me tell you, we have had the best weekend we have had in a long time. 
With Jamie in school , it comes with being super busy and very stressful!! 

Not a lot of time for family, fun or anything. Now that the negative part is out of the way, here is the positive. 
It is only till March, he has made straight A's and this is to better our future!! 

This was a week in birthday celebration! 
I celebrated my birthday on Tuesday and had a fabulous day and Jamie turned 40 on Saturday. 
He took off Friday for his birthday and thankfully, he did not have much school work at all. So that left room to just have fun! 

Friday morning, I took Sophie Clare to school while Jamie slept in.  Later we just shopped around Boaz till time to pick her up from school. 

He was sweet enough to go to a jewelry sale at the hospital, where I found nothing. 
We picked up Sophie Clare and headed to one of our favorite lunch spots.........
Sophie Clare loves it for the cookies and cupcakes. 

Then we looked around downtown for a bit. I
 bought a cute new coffee table and I will show that on another post. 

Then it was off to the mall. Sophie Clare loves to go in Books-a- Million. 

We had to get back home, my sweet nieces were coming. 
It was a fun and relaxing day!! 


Sophie Clare trying to wake daddy up with some birthday love! 

We made him cupcakes and relaxed around the house till about 1.
 Then it was off to Trussville. 

We went to several stores just looking, laughing and just enjoying our day. 

We had a yummy dinner at the CAJUN STEAMER. 
Oh it was delish!! 

I wanted to run in Belk's  and Sophie Clare wanted to ride the rides. haha 
So it worked out perfect!! 

We had an amazing weekend!! 

How was yours?? 

1 comment:

Bamawhitney said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

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