Hello Blog Land!!
I have been missing you like crazy!! My desktop computer has been out of commisson for a while now. I am taking it next week to get it repaired. I have took over the hubby's work laptop for the night. It will take me a while to get caught up and that is a little over whelming. The thoughts of not having Sophie Clare's life on the blog upsets me. I mean her entire 6 years are on here and we love to look back!!
So here we go with that ELF ON THE SHELF!!
This was our first year with ole Elfy. I guess I agreed to the Elf because she was in school and she has such a huge imagination. I knew she would just love it. He came on her birthday and I will go ahead and say that he will not, I repeat WILL NOT COME THAT EARLY AGAIN. He is a lot of work if you know what I mean. Some nights he was just to tired to move.
We first named him Star but I ended up calling him Elfy the entire time so it just stuck.
Here are some things Elfy did.
She loved this one and could not figure out how he manage to get up there.

Silly Elf rolled her tree.
Even though we have fun with the Elf and Santa, we always remember the reason for the season.
Every morning, she would get up and go look for him. Most of the time she would not look for him by herself which was cute.
One night I was on Pinterest and found a snow recipe. Spur of the moment, we made snow and Sophie Clare had so much fun with it. It was baking soda and conditioner.
Elfy thought it looked fun so he had to build a snowman.
She was very aggervated with him to say the least. She said, hey I was going to play with that!!
After she whispered in his ear to move while at school, she was much better.
Elfy took a ride with Barbie and had a race with a few of the other cars.
He hung candy on the tree in the kitchen.
He took a bubble bath in the sink.
He had a little milk while we were at church.
He played with the loom and made a necklace.
Played the fishing game .
Went for a reindeer ride.
Sophie Clare really wanted a elf to hold and love on. It was the only thing she had asked for, for Christmas. Santa decided that he needed to come early for her to be able to enjoy him before Christmas. She has been sleeping with him ever since. Plus baby too.
Oh my why in the world did this silly elf decide to make a snow angel out of baby powder. That was just a mess but she loved it.
Elfy had a tea party and I forgot to take a pic. So Sophie Clare let her elf have one.
He read the Bible a couple of days.
Those are just a few of the things ole Elfy did. LikeI mentioned earlier, he will not arrive so early next year.
Sophie Clare was pretty sad when he left and missed him. I reminded her that she had one that she snuggled with every night.
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