Thursday, January 24, 2019

Longest Yard Sale 2018

My daddy always enjoyed going on the sale as did I. We always went with him and I will cherish those memories forever. I wanted to go and I am thankful Sophie Clare was willing to go along with me. She was the best little yard sale buddy.   We laughed, talked about pop and enjoyed our day together. I love you baby girl for doing this with me. 
We were headed to Mentone but it started to sprinkle so we turned around a little about Fort Payne. 

We started stopping  at this place a few years back and Sophie Clare always loved going in the back and looking at all of the statues made out of old junk. It was really neat to see. This year it was closed but we stopped and peaked through the fence. 

She got on a kick about wanting a dog. I told her she could not stay it again and she decided to write it down. Silly and creative. ha! 

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