Sunday, July 25, 2010

Eating Out

Eating out with Sophie Clare is always an experience.
Saturday night I called my parent to see if they wanted to go out to eat with us. They came and got us and we went to a little Italian resturaunt  (Pas'ghettis) in Gadsden. They have The Best Salad ever!!  We got there and walked right in. I have not made Sophie Clare sit in a high chair in a while. She always just seems to better in a chair or booth. She was sitting in between Gran and Pop, all of the sudden she spotted stairs. She could not get them off of her mind. We tried everything. The only thing that kept her attention was tossing the salad. We got all of our food so quick. She was not interested in eating anything. I held her while my mom ate and then she took her to walk around for a min. That did not last long at all so I put mine in a to go box and we went to the closest store to walk around while Jamie and my dad finished eating. 
When we got home, she had plans to go home with Gran and Pop. She went for just a bit and they brought her home on the 4-wheeler. I am thankful we live so close. When she got home and Gran and Pop left........
This girl was ready to eat. I could not believe how much lasagna she ate.
 Noodles and the meat.
I pulled her hair back so that it would not fall into her face. All of the sudden she has a habit of pulling on the front of it and biting it. It drives me crazy!!
Say cheese Sophie Clare....
She is so into music and dancing. Jamie was on the computer, I was sitting with her and Hairspray was on in the background. She heard it and started dancing. It was so cute!!

I hope my mom and dad with go eat with us again!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know how you feel! We went out to eat with Clay's parents and I ended up with water all in my lap! I didn't know she could reach my cup while I was holding her and that was the end of that! Fun times :)

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