Sunday, July 25, 2010

Spring Valley Beach

Friday morning we got ready to head to Spring Valley Beach for the day. If you have not ever been or heard of it you need to check it out. It is in the middle of no where but a great place to go.  a few water slides and a huge pool with slides, stuff for the kids and just to lay and relax. They have pavilions that you can rent but we carried a tent, chairs, quilt, a few things for Sophie Clare to do just in case she got tired of the water. We also packed snacks, drinks and lunch.

I took more pictures than I thought and of course I could not just pick a couple so get ready as usual for picture over load.

This sweet baby was the best all day. She did not fuss or cry at all!! She was so cute, at first she was not sure how to walk in the water. I was holding her hand and just all the sudden she would be floating and I would be pulling her.
She walked up and down the edge of the pool a hundred and one times. She loves to fill things up with water and dump it out on the sidewalk,  in another cup or on you. So I carried her some cups, spray bottle and a few other things to fill with water. She had a blast.

She is so styling!!

How precious is she??
She is enjoying a mini pickle.
I will kiss her forever!!
I could not believe how much she wanted to stay in the water.
Here is the kiddo's play area, water spraying and slides.
Tons of fun.
She looks so pleased  and content!
Sweet girl waiting her turn to slide.
She wanted to stand and just jump. It took a lot of talking to remind her to sit down.
She did this over and over again. I never got tired of seeing how excited she was.

Enough of those baby slide, she was ready to do the big slide. This was not my idea, it was all hers. I just was not about to let her go by herself. 
We are waving to dada!
Here we go........
What a huge splash of water in our face. I was not sure what she would think about it. When we got up she headed right back to go again!!

Telling dada bye. She was all about waking in the water.
We had the best day and I can not wait to take her back!!
She may not remember this day but it was very special to me!!
I love you Sophie Clare.

1 comment:

YelliKelli said...

We Love SVB too!!! Darling, Darling Girl!!

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