Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's Story Time

Good Evening!!
What a busy week this is........we are having revival and it is going great.  The music and preaching have been a blessing. 
This morning we got up and headed to our 2nd story time at the library.  My friend Jennifer met us there with Cole and Madalyn. Sophie Clare was a little shy at first but warmed up quickly.
Cole is getting so big. I can not believe he will be 2 next month.
I think Luke is a social butterfly and just so cute!! 
The other little boy is Patrick and he is such a doll. He is so funny, he goes and looks in every ones bags to check out there snacks. hahaha!!
Sophie Clare finally walked over to see Madalyn and got in her lap. She laid her head on her shoulder and stayed that way for a while. Madalyn is so good with her, she just patted her back.
Last week, Luke chased Sophie Clare.......
This week, Luke was tickling her.
We sang a song about a turtle, read a book about a turtle and made a turtle.
Great Job, Madalyn!!
We sat down to make a turtle and I ended up finishing it.
 I have already hung our artwork on the refrigerator.
Luke working on his turtle.

We are ready for next week!!

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