Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rainbow Row

Good Evening All!!
Tonight was our last night of revival and what a blessing it was to have Rhyme and Reason with us at Carlisle Baptist Church. Although our crowd was not the greatest.........come on memebers...
Where were you?? 
I enjoyed it so much.  The music and the preaching were wonderful!! 

Today we ran to Hobby Lobby for a minute and then it was off to Wal-Mart.  Sophie Clare has always been a great shopper but here lately she is harder to entertain. What is up with that?? I hope this is just a phase. Anyways, we came home....she napped and we went to my grandmothers for a visit. Then it was off to church. That pretty much sums it up.

Do you ever just enjoy riding around??
I do and always have!!
I love to look at house, landscapes, old buildings ect.
In Southside, there is a neat little place where all the houses are different colors. When I say different, I mean BRIGHT!!  I love it and would love to have a house there just for the Summer. I just wanted to share with you a few photos I took from my car window the other  day when Sophie Clare and I were killing some time!
I hope you all have a great rest of the week!!

1 comment:

Playing Sublimely said...

oh those pictures...just lovely! Nice to meet you!

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