Sunday, August 29, 2010

21 Months

This beautiful little girl is 21 months today!
I have said this many times. She is just a joy and a blessing.
My entire life, I have played with babies, dressed babies, kept babies and I loved girls the most. I don't ever remember not wanting a little girl. I am a little obsessed with smocked clothing and I can't help it. I knew when I was a little girl that is what she would wear. My mom smocked dresses for me and I said I would do the same..........that did not happen. It is much easier to buy them. I am excited to say that we still have a lot of my dresses and I can not wait for Sophie Clare to wear them.  This morning I bragged on her pretty she looked and how she was everything I ever wanted.  We got outside and she was more than ready to have her picture made.
Sophie Clare you are 21 months today!

You weigh 23.4 lbs

You are 31 in tall.

You have grown a lot over the Summer. Your little foot has already grown out of 1 pair of sandles and you have grown taller.  

You are in size 4 diapers and wear 18 months.

Your hair seems to be growing slow  but it could be all those curls you have.

You run a lot, dance, twirl, high step and have what we call fast feet.
You LOVE books! Mostly we look at animal book but you are getting into Winnie the Pooh.
You love to cook, play babies and play dress up.
You also love to write or color.
You can make lots of animals sounds and are beginning to try and say a few words.
Just to name a few.......da, mama, yea, nah, eeessee, keys, dog, duck,  bop or op (POP) gan (GRAN), bite, hi, hey, bye.  Anytime she wants more, she signs. She is great at pointing or grunting .......I know exactly what she wants. 
She is a very happy little baby girl. She loves attention and is under my feet 24/7.  If we walk into a crowded room, it takes her a minute to get warmed up. She loves music and singing. Her favorite songs right now are Patty Cake, Ring Around The Roses,  Itsy Bitsy Spider and The Hokey Pokey.  We have been singing The Hokey Pokey because of story time and she LOVES the putting the leg in and the teeth. It is so cute!! 
She is doing great on sleeping. We have gone from sleeping in the moses basket, swing, with me for many, many months till now.........she will sleep in her big girl bed all by herself. She sometimes wakes up and I end up with her but that is ok. Nap time is pretty good. I rock her lay her down and most days she will sleep by herself but a lot of days I have to hold her the other half but I don't mind.  
Sophie Clare is a good little eater. I love to dip food and now she LOVES it. She will get a gold fish and say di, di and pretend she is dipping it.  She is pretty good about trying anything which I am thankful for. We do have days that she does not eat well but that just goes with her age. THE BOTTLE.........well we are still taking it but not as much. She takes very little in the morning.....nap well a whole big bottle and at night she has one. I know that I am going to have to get her off of it and I will in time. My dental hygenist gave me the idea of putting water in it and I am going to do that soon!! haha  She has a total of  12 teeth 4 top front and 2 in the back........4 on bottom front and 2 in the back. We still  have some to go.........bless her heart.
I can't believe that in just 3 short months, she will be 2.
I already have a birthday outfit......YAY!! 

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