Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sweet Smiles

It gets harder and harder to take a "professional" style photo.  I know that I am not a photographer but I love to take all kinds of pictures but especially of Sophie Clare now.   It is way to hot to do any outside and was sunny Sunday morning I wanted her to sit in her bedroom floor but she stays in one place about 1 second.  I thought she looked like an angel Sunday morning.  I let her have some milk before I took these pics. I took the bottle away and gave it to Jamie. 

She started smiling so big and I thought I got some cute shots of her!

Her eyes are just beautiful!!
I hope you all are having a great week so far!


Becca's Dirt said...

That makes me smile too.

OurLittleBlessingS said...

aww how adorable!! great pictures!!

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