Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Falls

After church Sunday, we headed home for Sophie Clare to get her nap. It as such a beautiful day so we decided to take her to Nocalula Falls.  It was not as cool as I would have like for it to have been, but it was ok. We rode the train, looked at the animals, petted a rabbit, saw some friends and then headed home!! Here are some pics!
She loved the animal cut outs.
She ran and put her sweet  face in each one!!
Choo Choo!
Her favorite was riding the train!
When we left the Falls, we headed to Sonic for some yummy cream slush. Sophie Clare enjoyed hers the most!! She had it from head to toe when we got home.
We didn't have church tonight so when we got home I cooked dinner.  Jamie headed to the store while Sophie Clare and I enjoyed the cool air!!
I love this t-shirt for her to sleep in or just wear around but she looks way to grown-y.

I love this sweet baby face!! I kiss her 24-7!
Have a great day!

1 comment:

Jamie Wilson said...

Oh how I have such amazing memories of Nocalula Falls! She is such a beautiful little girl!!

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