Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's A Chicken Thing

It is time for me to join in on Monday's Thrifty Treasure!!
Be sure to head over to Rhoda's to see what the other's have found!!
Here are some of my great finds for the week!
Enjoy!!! .
I found this little chicken picture frame (turned into a chalk board) for
25 cents!!!
Now that it a deal!!!
I love Hobby Lobby!!
I can always find bargin!!
I had been wanting a hook to hand my aprons on in the kitchen. I was lucky enough to hit on the 50% off day and got it for  $3.00. 
It was a rusty color but I painted it red!!
I bought this at the thrift store to add with a grouping on top of my cabinets.
This is one of my most favorite finds!!  Angie and a few of her neighbors had a yardsale and I will show a couple of other things later.
I am going decorate with them but I am also going to use them at Sophie Clare's birthday party for her candy table!!
All 3 for $5.00
I hope you enjoyed my treasures!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have some great things! I love bargains, don't you??

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