Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mommy's Helper

Yesterday was such a great day for Sophie Clare and I. We played for a while, cleaned the house and rearranged the porch.  I got in the mood to make some cupcakes and thought it would be fun for Sophie Clare to help. I pulled a chair up for her to stand on and she was ready.
First we poured in our cake mix.
Then the eggs and oil.
Next comes the water.
Now it is time to mix. When I turned it on, she was not sure about it. She started very quickly to get out of the chair. I am not sure why it bothered her because loud noises usually don't. Needless to say she got use to it. I took the beaters off and showed her out to lick it. She kept wanting to dip it back into the batter and lick again.  
We were starting to make a total mess.......oh well!!
It was so fun to watch her.

I told her to dip her finger in it and that she
 was not sure about at first.
She so got the hang of that quick.

Later that afternoon, we had company and visited with a long lost cousin.
I had got the lotion out for Sophie Clare and I have left her MANY times unattended. She has NEVER EVER been messy with it at all. I had gone to the kitchen for just a minuite and when I came back this it what I found. I took the lotion from her after I took the picture and told her we don't do that.
I am real tough. hehe
Look at that sweet face.
I love being her mother and I am very thankful that God chose me!!

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