Friday, September 3, 2010

Story Time Plus More

Hello to all you blog readers!!
I feel like I am not getting to blog as much as I would like. I have several thing I want to post but I am HOOKED on EBAY. I have been wanting to sell on EBAY for a very long time and just felt like I did not have time. I have now made time and LOVE it!! 
I was not sure that we were going to get to be at story time on Tuesday. Sophie Clare has had a ruuny nose and has just not felt good.  I decided to try it and leave if I needed to.
Angie and Gracie came to be a part of the fun. Sophie Clare sat in Angie's lap just about the whole time.
Gracis is just a social butterfly and enjoyed herself.
Mr. Luke was back and cute as ever!!
I love this little dress but not with those sandels....haha
Running and playing
The water fountain is amazing to these kiddos.
Sophie Clare, Patrick and Gracie
Wednesday morning we woke up bright and early to meet Angie and Gracie to go shopping in Birmingham.
The girls were good and got most of what we went for. As we were leaving Sophie Clare spotted her some shoes.
Hey, Look at the shoes!
I just have to try them on.
Are they my size?
Just one more try.........I love these girls!!
I hope yall have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

TracyZLesh @ Then I Got To Thinking said...

OHH my goodness, they are so adorable!! :) I love these pictures!

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