Wednesday, October 13, 2010

22 1/2 Months

I can not believe that in just about a month and a half.....
Sophie Clare will be 2!!! is just unbelievable how time flies.  This has been the best part of my life!! She is just a joy and a blessing. She seems to be doing more and more everyday. I am afraid some days that I will forget all of the cute, sweet and silly things she did.  I know this is crazy to think about but I only have 3 more years with her before she starts to school. That's not a very long time considering how fast these 2 have went by. I am very thankful to be able to stay at home with her and take it all in.
What is she up to these days??
She weighs 24 lbs.
She is wearing 24 months for the length but still can wear 12-18. She is just getting taller and her little foot has grown so much over the Summer. I am buying size 7 so that she will have a little room to grow.

She is a pretty good eater most days and loves to dip anything she eats.  Would I say she had a favorite food?? Not really, she loves pizza, chicken, pintos, soft taco and rice. It just depends on the day. She loves water and her milk. She is still taking a bottle with her milk only!! I do  not worry about it during the day but it is the night time that I am concerned about. That is how I get her to sleep!! I said I would tackle this at 2.....she is almost 2 and I am not so sure!!!  She can say milk milk when she is ready for it and she can say bite when she ready to eat.

She is starting to say many words.
key, moon, dog, wipe, cheese, pop, gan, Chris "ris" Aunt Janine "neeene" Ben "en"  night, hey, by, money "mney" 
She will start to try to say something and then stop.  It is like she is not sure it is right so she stops herself. I encourage her no matter what!! She is perfect to me!!  She loves music and sings a lot. She can sing the B-I-B-L-E......"b, b, b, b ,b and happy birthday.......haa haa haa haa , as she is bobbing her head side to side. We also have several songs we do motions to. Jesus in the moring, Jesus in the noon time .........Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Sophie Clare is starting to play a little more by herself. I will catch her playing babies, drawing or coloring, playing with play doh or with her kitchen. I absolutely LOVE watching her every move. 

She is such a happy baby and loves to be chased or scared. She loves the water and wants to still go swimming. She enjoys looking at her books but puzzles not so much. She gets so aggravated when she can't get it.
She is so loving and loves to give kisses. She will pucker those beautiful lips up and I can never get enough. She sleeps well at night. She will usually wake up once and want me to come sleep with her and of course I do. 

I know she is going to be doing more and more everyday!!
We love you so much Sophie Clare!!

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