Monday, October 18, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch

How was your weekend??
Yesterday after church we went to eat with my parents came home to get changed for the  PUMPKIN PATCH!!
We met the Wehunt family there and had so much fun. The dust and dirt was awful!!! My black shoes were covered in dust and Sophie Clare's pants were a nice shade of brown around her ruffle. 
Here are LOTS of pictures for our day.
This slide is made out of PVC pipe. I decided to go down with Sophie Clare to see how she like it and from the look on her face, she loved it.
Needless to say, she did not need mommy to go with her again. She would climb the steps all by herself and off she went. She did this over and over.
They also have huge bends of corn to play in and I thought Sophie Clare would love it but she was not so sure.
Jaylin on the other hand, she loved it!!
I love this face!!

When we all finished sliding we headed over to the bails of hay to play!  Now this was right up Sophie Clare's ally. She climbed all over it.

Families coming together.

We took a truck ride to fund Sophie Clare a pumpkin. She found one fast and then she would throw it. She apparently thought it was a ball. 
We all had a great time but in the end the kiddos were tired and ready to go.
I can not wait to do it again!!!


Becca's Dirt said...

Looks like loads of fun. Pretty little pumpkin she is.

Sarah Robbins said...

What cute pictures! I can't wait to take Baby Robbins to the pumpkin patch next year!

Sophie Clare always has such cute clothes!!

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