Monday, October 4, 2010

Harvest Festival 2010

What a fantastic way to kick off OCTOBER with Harvest Festival. I absolutley LOVE it. I love going and just sitting and seeing and talking to friends I do not get to see on a regular basis.  They opened the streets of downtown since last year so to me Harvest Festival was a lot different.
 I really think it was better.
There were a tons of vendors and lots of food vendors.
 Anything from children items, hand painted items, jewlery and much much more.

Friday morning we got up early to head that way.
 Angie and Gracie came up to hang with us a while.
 I was kidding Angie about keeping Emily out of school so that she would not miss out on the fun.
 The girls were excited to see each other.
We saw lots of little friends.
Addison and Andrew
Judd, he is adorable!!!
Sophie Clare LOVES babies. It does not matter if she knows them or not. If she sees a stroller with a baby......look out!! hehe
This is a good friend of the family's little girl.
Her name is Madilyn Clair!

Luke and Sophie Clare
My mom took this picture and another really cute of Luke hugging her but I could not get it to up load. So I will try another day!! It is to sweet not to share!
My cousin Danya and her little girl, Lynlee

This is Garrett, he is 2 and adorable. His dad, Nic and I graduated together.
He saw Sophie Clare sitting down and asked if he could go and sit beside her.
He is a doll!!


We had a great 2 days at the Harvest Festival!
If you did not come this year, make plans for the next!!

1 comment:

Jamie Wilson said...

She is so cute Maggie. I love the orange outfit at the Harvest festival. I miss things like that... they just don't do a lot of those here in Tampa. Thanks for the info on the outfit. What brand is it? I have to find cute outfits for Charlee kate that are cool since we are starting to get nice weather here in Tampa, but not as nice as you guys are getting. I love to throw those cute outfits with leg warmers though once it is cold. Enjoy the gorgeous weather!

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