Monday, October 11, 2010

Last Week's Wrap Up

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I know we sure did all except that it was HOT and BAMA lost. Oh well, they will pull us through next week.  Anyways I can not wait to share our weekend with you but first I want to wrap last week up. With all my blogger trouble, Sophie Clare being sick and my birthday........well I got behind.
Last weekend my friend Jodi had a yardsale and I was unable to attend. So I shopped by phone pictures and look at one of the things I got.
A brand new frog chair for Sophie Clare!!
Jodi was sweet enough to drop all of my wonderful treasures off.
Thanks Jodi!! You are the best!!
Sophie Clare really has enjoyed it. Right now it is still in the living room and makes a wonderful statement. haha!!
Sophie Clare has also found a new place to play.......behind the front door. Its only when she plays with her magnet, Mr. Potato Head and I am not sure why.

Tuesday we go out and about. She had a runny nose but we needed to run a few errands. We first hit Goodwill and I can not wait to do the post on my finds!! I got some great BRAND NEW things for FALL!!!
Then we hit Old Navy and oh that was dreadful. Sophie Clare pitched a fit in there so we left and came home. 
Also this week, we have been raking pine straw to put in our beds. They look so much better with a fresh top coat of pine straw. Sophie Clare likes to ride in the middle and no we are not riding down the highway.
Wednesday  night we headed to AWANAS and ended up coming home early because Sophie Clare was running a fever. Just 100.4 but still a fever.  

Thursday morning we got up and Sophie Clare's nose was still running and she was coughing. Although all of that was going on she seem to feel  pretty good.  We got ready and headed to Gadsden with my mom. We shopped for a while and then we met my dad at The Courtyard for lunch. It was so good. They have the best food in town.
  Thanks mom and dad for lunch, it was great!!
What's up with the frog you ask??? They are promoting a charity event and I thought this frog was so unsual.

After lunch we went to Hobby Lobby. I love that  place!! I am into hats this Fall and I was showing my mother. Sophie Clare just had to try it on.
Friday was my birthday and that morning I took Sophie Clare to the dr. She was running a low temp again and coughing so bad. She ended up having a touch of bronchitis. The gave her an anitboitic and a steroid. OH ME OH MY........the steroid was to be given 3 times a day. The very 1st dose was at night and we did not sleep at all!! Needless to say I did not give it to her at night anymore.  She seems to be feeing better to day!! Thank you Jesus!!

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