Friday, October 8, 2010

Sunday Afternoon

Sunday afternoon, my brother Chris, Angie and the girls joined us at my parents for pizza after chuch.
I was so excited to see the girls, mainly Emily. I get to see Gracie more but since Emily has started school.........I miss that little girl. She is always full of life and has a great stroy to tell!! 
She is trying out her new bike and if you look close  you will see that the kick stand is down. hehe
Sweet sweet Gracie.
This little girl talks and talks.
She can say anything and is the cutest little thing I have ever seen!!
Sophie Clare and Uncle Chris sorting out the worlds problems.
Here I am trying out Emily's bike.
It was really hard to ride because my knees were so high up.
I tried standing up but it did not work like I thought.
I was headed straight for a bush.
This sweetest girls in the world!!
They all wanted a flower from Gran's grarden.
My mom and dad's neighbor has new puppies and I wanted the girls to see them.
They are the cutest little things.
These next 2 pictures are the cutest. Sophie Clare LOVES her Uncle Chris. 
He sat down and of course, she wanted to sit with him.

It is great to be back in BLOGLAND!!!
Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

Sarah Robbins said...

What fun! I love that wagon. It is great for taking pictures in. I can't believe how big all the girls are getting. I know I say that every time I leave a comment, but man- the time just flies by. . .

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