Monday, February 14, 2011

Feel Good Weather

The Feel good weather is back this week. I am loving being outside and so is Sophie Clare. As soon as we got home from church, we changed our shoes and hit the door running.  Sophie Clare could not wait to get on her tricycle and go feed the dogs at Aunt Janines and Uncle Franks.
There are 4 big dogs in a pen and they are SO loud. All they do is bark, no matter how well they know us. It takes Sophie Clare a minuite to process there loudness. haha

The dog were excited about there bread we brought for them.

Janine built a potting shed simalar to my moms and Sophie Clare loves to play in both of them.
Hopefully Jamie will be building us one very soon!!

I love her so very much!!

We did not get to stay out as long as we all would have liked but someone (the girl in the red dress) was very sleepy!!
I hope you all have a Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Sarah Robbins said...

Send some feel good weather my way, please!! It's been shiver-my-timbers cold here! I love the picture of your two in front of the white wood- that is a keeper!

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