Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Back Yard BBQ

                    Let me start by saying I love my friend Jennifer and how our friendship is just sooo easy. When I say easy..............
we can not talk for weeks and pick up right where we left off
Love each other kiddos and tell the stop if we need to
Go with the flow and have a blast
I also love that she text me after Maddie's game the other night and asked if we had a grill.
I said yes and she said if yall don't have plans let's cook out.
Of course, come on down.
I was excited to entertain behind our new privacy fence that Jamie just built.  We got the bouncy out so the kids would have a little more to do.
Sophie Clare was soooo excited!

Yes, this is what she wore. Jamie said, are you not changing her clothes? Nah she is already sweaty, dirty and has off on. Why mess up another set? ;-)

Still doing a little decorating on the fence but I am loving it!

We grilled hot dogs for the kiddos, rib and chicken for us. Jennifer made some yummy potato salad and I usual make special baked beans but I just opened a can this time. ;-/   I took the easy way out! haha
If you look close, SC mouth is full , she ate one and wanted another.

Jamie the "cook" for the night.  I am usually the cook but considering we were busy with the kids, playing badmitton, riding the golf cart and talking. Who would have time to cook?? :-)

Looks like I am  hot and need some make up on!
Jen looking fabulous as always!

We had so much fun outside.  It was getting dark and the kids had a blast looking for lighting bugs. I got the a jar to put them in and I even gave them a garden landscape light to help the see. It was so cute watching them run and hunt! I wish I had taken pics of that!
We had to bring the party inside.

Sophie Clare loves her some Jen Jen.  Jennifer always jsut gets her and loves on her. Sophie Clare will say I don't want Jen Jen to get me. I will tell her not to get you Ok?? She says no I jsut kidding I want Jen Jen to get me.    To funny!

All 3 kids were on the bed and I was acting like a cat. They were cracked up at me hissing and doing a loud meow!  Lots more pics of that but I looked crazy! ha

We had such a good time and can not wait to do it again!

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