Monday, May 21, 2012

Let's Dance

I am so so excited!  I have said this many times in in the past 3 years but I will say it again. I have always wanted a little girl to love, dress up, play babies with, take care of, and just be a mom!  Sophie Clare has a lot of first coming in the next Fall.  She has never ever been away from me unless it with my family!  I am sad she is going to have to do some growing up but she is going to have so much fun if she will just open up. I jsut told her this morning that I sure do carry her a lot to be a 3 year old. ;-)  I signed Sophie Clare up for dance Friday night and when I left I was just plain giddy. The thoughts of her in that little outfit with her hair in a bun just makes me smile.  Will she stay and love it?? I don't know but I hope so. She will be taking with Gracie my niece so I am hoping that will help. 
I can't wait!

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