Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Matia Grace

Yesterday was such a fun filled day with family and fabulous friends. Our first birthday party, we celebrated Matia Grace's 4th birthday. How is it possible that she is already 4. Time sure does fly! I am so thankful for her and her family!  It was a LONG HAIR TANGLED party although Wal-Mart was a little confused and thought is was Tinkerbell.
Tangled...........Tinkerbell................does not even sound the same does it??  Thankfully, the colors were the same and it worked.

Here is the sweet birthday girl!
The birthday girl and her sweet mother!!

Andrea always throws the best parties! They are totally non stressful. Matia Grace got lots of good gifts. We bought her Hungry Hungry Hippos and we hope she gets lots of fun out of it! :-)

Sweet Matia Grace!

Let's talk about Sophie Clare for a moment, Jamie went with us and Praise the Lord he did. WHY?? Because Sophie Clare would  not get down and play. She is going through this SHY stage and it is awful!  Jamie and I passed her back and forth, finally at the end she decided to get down.

Max is making sure she is not going to get the car. haha

We always try and get a pic, can you tell the sweet sweet children were not into it.
This Matia Grace's first birthday and I am so glad we were able to be a part of it!

Her 2nd birthday

We were unable to attend her 3rd birthday because of Braden's party and that may happen in more years to come especially now that Carver is in the mix. :-)  No matter if we are able to attend or not we will always always celebrate my sweet Tia Grace's birthday!!

We love you!!

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