Saturday, May 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Carver

We have had such a busy day! We have celebrated Matia Grace's 4th birthday and Carver's first.  We even had a funeral to go to but Jamie was the only one ended up going. Sophie Clare is snoozing from her big day and I am ready to lay on the sofa. I will say I just want to zone into the tv world! haha
I just want to leave you with this!

It is hard to believe that we were awaiting the arrival of this sweet little boy a whole year ago. WOW! How does a year go by so fast??  As a mom no one knows it better than you how time flies. Carver is just a doll baby and had the best party!  We had so much fun celebrating his first birthday!!

Lots to catch up on.........
Story time,
the 2 birthday parties,
fish taco's,
and my yard sale finds!

So, stay tuned and have a great Memorial Day weekend!!

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