Thursday, May 10, 2012

I Be A Boy

My little monkey hanging from the tree is such a mess these days. I can not believe that she is almost 3 and half.  It is amazing how much she is learning and saying. She ask WHY about everything and wants to know what every SOUND is. She talks from the time she gets up till she goes to bed. Then sometimes she even talks in her sleep.  Things that she used to not say very plain are more plain than ever. She used to say Maggie as Magney....then one day she says MAGGIE! I could not believe it.  She calls chickens CHICTERS but the other day I thought she said chicken but I could not get her to say it again. Colo's is now colors.
My how time flies! She wakes up in the morning and ask what we are going to do??  If nothing is planned, I always ask her what she wants to do?? She says, PLAY PLAY PLAY.  She plays babies just about all the time. If she is not playing babies, she is singing or working,

There is this one thing that she does and I hope to getting it on video. The only way I may get that, is me playing along.  She will get this look on her face and say....... I be a boy. Mommy, you be a boy.  A lot of the time I say no I love being a girl and she says me too. Be a boy. haha  I will prop an arm up and say Hey Sophie Clare, how are you?? She says good.

This is how she sits if she is pretending.  haha

I am not really concerned because we are so girly! She just loves to pretend!

It is hard to imagine that she will be 4 in almost half of a year. That is really to soon for me, so if I could make time just STOP.............That would be great!!

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