Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms!
I hope you have had a wonderful weekend and were celebrated for all your hard work. I woke up next to Sophie Clare this morning and she was all smiles. I told her it was mother's day. She gladly responded  with Happy Mother's Day. Jamie fixed some biscuts while I got ready for church.Sophie Clare was a busy bee riding her tricycle through the house and playing. We finished with breakfast and she was very excited for me to open my gift. We piled on the bed and got to opening.
I love our faces, we are both sooo excited! 
 I got a warmer for yummy smelling wax melts.

Sophie Clare smelling the yummy pomegranate. We have a local candle shop (J and J Candles) and they are sooo wonderful. The smell last the whole candle and is super strong. I got pomegranate and muscadine...which is my fave!!

After we finished setting up the burner, I got miss priss ready. We had a quick photo session before church.  She means the world to me and I can not imagine life without her. She brings so much joy and laughter to my life. I am so blessed that GOD chose me to be her mother. I know that I don't do everything right and probably let her get away with way to much. :-)

After church, we went to my grandmothers to eat lunch.
This is my grandmother and her 3 wonderful children.
Janine, my mom and Alton.

Me, my sweet mother and my brother Chris
Sophie CLare took a pic of me and my mom!
I am so blessed to have such a loving mother!
 I am so blessed for all she does for me.
               My mom made Sophie Clare's hands and feet into this sweet angel for me for mother's day! I will cherish is forever!


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