Thursday, June 14, 2012

AHHH! We Have Landed!

Hello to blogland!!
 I have missed you tons and have lots of blogs to read! I have missed seeing your faces! :-)
We have been in Bible School since Saturday and ended last night! We had a great and hectic time! lol On Saturday we had about 13 registered for my class......that's a lot for a small church!  The Kindergarten class did not have any registered for it so we gave a few kiddos away!  We kept my Sunday school class because they are so young and had a couple of newbies!
Jacee was just a doll!  Her babysitter Christy brought her all week and helped! She was such a blessing to have in there! I don't know what we would have done with out her!

Kati my doll baby! I don't think she made much of a peep all week!

Sweet Farrah only got to be with us a couple of nights but what a joy she was!

My little stinker! She was not even supposed to be in there but she would not have gone anywhere else. If she did, she would have ran back and forth to my room! It was just easier to keep her with me. My fabulous friend Michelle that I used to co teach Sunday school volunteered to help me and I do not know what I would have done without her! She tended to SC a lot and that I appreciate!

We had lots of fun making hand print t-shirts!
Kuddos to Whitney!

The kiddos seem to really learn ther Bible verses and learn the Bible story although some nights I was wondering! ;-)
We learned about
 Gods Awesome Power
 and his
Amazing Wonders!
We painted, colored, glued, played with pay doh, music, played outside, zoomed like an airplane and ate some yummy snacks!

Braden has tons of energy! lol







And my very busy yet sweet girl!

We had family night and the kiddos did a great job doing the music.

Wanna know what my sweet "yet oh so shy" little girl did??????
Stayed with me!
She had no intentions of going on stage and singing!
Oh well, maybe next year! :-)  

Thank you so much Michelle for taking the time to come and help me!
 I don't know what I would have done without you!
You mean the world to me!

I am hoping things get back to a normal routine........we tried that today by hitting the pool!
I have 2 special birthdays to celebrate tomorrow!
One of my favorite nieces.........EMILY!!
She is turning 7!

Also my bestest Andrea!

Happy birthday girls!

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