Saturday, June 9, 2012

Preparing For Take Off

I can't believe but VBS begins today!  I always have so much fun at Bible School but it is a little stressful leading up to the first day. Making sure you have enough to do and fun things at that. Hoping that the children listen and learn about Jesus. 

I  have the 4 and 5 year olds plus Sophie Clare. Why is she coming in my class??  Because she will not stay in another class and if she did, she would want to go back and forth between my room and hers. Since I teach, it is just eaiser to keep her with me. She does really well sitting and listening most of the time! ;-)


God can do anything
God takes care of people
God loves everyone
God has a plan for everyone
God helps me show love to everyone

It is going to be pretty busy from now until Wedsday so I am not promising a lot of blogging will be done.  So have a great weekend and great start of next week!

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