Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bubba's 4th Birthday

I can not believe that Braden will be 4 on Wednesday! Seems like yesterday that I was sitting in the waiting room, barely showing waiting on him to arrive.  He is such a sweet boy! I am so thankful that he and Sophie Clare are like brother and sister!  

We celebrated his party at the bouncy place.
Sophie Clare as beyond excited and could not wait to start playing. 
 I put on her socks and she did not play 10 mins till she came to me choked.......threw up..........
yep, that was how it all began. Thankfully we were closed to the Gap outlet and I ran and bought her something else to wear. I changed her and off she went playing!

Carver had a big time sliding!

Sweet Emily! She has her dance recital in just a bit! We can not wait to see her all dress up!

My mom even got in on the sliding. Lucky her, I had an extra pair  of socks.

As the party continued..........Sophie Clare's coughing kinda kept getting worse instead of better. I feel like it is just sinus. We woke up this morning and it was super cool.

Natalie and Johnna about to slide!

Braden had a fabulous party!!

Happy Happy Birthday Braden!
We love you!!

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