Wednesday, June 20, 2012

No Tears, No Cavities

Yesterday was a day I was a little nervous about. It was time for Sophie Clare's 6 month cleaning. The first time she went it was very scary for her and she cried the entire time they cleaned her teeth! :-(
We have been talking it up and at first she said that she was going to be whiny and cry. I  tried to encourage her that it was going to be ok and they were just going to get the sugar bugs off.  She does not go for bribes but me and she has been wanted a tractor or gator. My big mouth opened and I said if you don't cry me and daddy will try and get you one. WOW! She was a determined little girl. She kept telling me she was going to be a fweet girl!  We arrived and you could tell she was a little unsure. She stayed right with me and did  not even offer to get down and play. We only had to wait about 2 min and then we were off.  I asked her if she wanted to sit in the chair and she of course did not so I held her. She laid her sweet head back and opened wide. Still NO TEAR! She was such a big girl!
I was soo proud of her.
When the dentist walked up she did not smile but she gave him five! :-) 
 Her teeth were great and she got a prize.
Showing off her freshly clean teeth!

Excited and being silly!  Looks like we better start shopping for the best prices in town! And I am shaking my head at myself. lol Please no judgment needed!  Oh well she is only little once!

After that we went to Target and just hung out in Trussville for a bit. It was nice to be in a different city! ;-)

As for the rest of the week, we have been swimming, got my hair trimmed. I suppose that we will just take it easy for the next couple of days and enjoy the sun!

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