Bible School has come and gone.
It started on the 26th of June and ended on Wednesday July 2.
Our theme was Agency D3.
They music was great and the kids really seem to enjoy it.
I know Sophie Clare did and she is still singing the songs.
Decorating all came together just in time! I ended up going to my grandmothers and getting everything I needed for our Special Agent Table.
Decorating all came together just in time! I ended up going to my grandmothers and getting everything I needed for our Special Agent Table.
The first day was fun but it is always hectic. I taught the 5 year olds and Kindergarten. I had on average 13 kiddos.
Sophie Clare had been so excited about VBS. She could not wait but when it came down to the large crowd, she was not so sure.
Music time!
Katie and Natalie listening in missions.
Night 2 was much much better for Sophie Clare with her 2 favorite girls!
She and Gracie had a great time together!
Coloring in Missions.
Night 3, Sophie Clare was beyond excited to be wearing her VBS t-shirt.
She and Gavin had the best time playing before VBS started.
Music time fun!
Wearing a t-shirt was pretty awesome but having her best buddy Luke just topped the night off!
Looking for pennies in missions.
Now a little mustache fun!
Sophie Clare
All the girls except for Sophie Clare
Now on to craft time and making t-shirts!
Ella is such a sweet and fun girl! I just love hearing her talk!
More music time............
2 of her faves!!
Outside fun!
I love the expressions on there faces in the next few pics!
It was a very good week and the kiddos learned a lot!
I had a great group and look forward to next year!
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