Sophie Clare has not ever loved fireworks. The loud boom just bothered her and it was not worth staying. Every year we would try it again and again. Last year, we were able to enjoy them inside the truck. haha That was about as good as it got.
So here we are off to one show on June 26th.
It was after bible school and Sophie Clare said she would try it!
Waiting on the show to start.
Seems like we waited forever but Sophie Clare did not mind. She loves to people watch so all was good with her.
They start and this is the way she watched most of the show.
It was not the great show but at least she did not want to leave!
And, yes that is baby with her Christmas outfit on. ha!
On the forth of July, we went to get some fireworks. We always have a ton left over but her favorites get gone. So we restocked with snap pops, smoke bombs and those little things you pull the string on and confetti comes out.
We have a sweet friend that always gives Sophie Clare the hook up! ;-)
That night we headed to Gadsden to watch there firework show. The weather was perfect. It was a little cool which was nice for a change.
I felt like I was on a movie, the setting was perfect. It was down by the lake and it took a quilt. It was so pretty!
We had so much fun and I can not wait to do it again! I am so glad we went!!
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